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Blackjack Odds with Card Counting

With blackjack we have better chances of beating the casino edge. We have a lot more control on our play to produce non-random results with our cards, especially with card counting, compared to random results of dice games in casinos. Hence, if it's better probabilities of winning we want, we opt for our blackjack odds of winning.

On average, we have 1.5 to 2 percent blackjack odds of losing in a game. But card counting can change all this. When we're good at it we can turn the play to our advantage and win more in the end. An excellent card counter can work out almost a 1 percent advantage of winning. It may look small but with increased blackjack odds of winning there will be more profits as we play more games.

In fact, a celebrated win some 10 years ago by Anthony Curtis got him hefty cash that enabled him to start his own publishing business - the Las Vegas Advisor. Believe it or not, blackjack odds during tournaments can rake in winnings within the range of $50,000 to $60,000 individually with card counting. We may also play in teams to more than double our winnings. Good teams of card counters can win up to hundreds of thousands, or even millions, of dollars.

Card counting expertise, to improve blackjack odds, does not take mathematical ingenuity to achieve. It's all about fast eyes to track down cards and decks plus a good memory. To further simplify this we assign weight to cards that are left in the deck for playing basing on our card counting tracking. If the count rises - positive 1, 2, 3, etc. - we can safely assume that what remains in the deck is helpful for us.

However, if the count descends - negative 1, 2, 3, etc. - then our blackjack odds have also decreased because the deck has turned against us. With card counting we can then adjust our plays and bets accordingly to win lots more or save money when we lose. We get minute monitoring of the shifts in blackjack odds with each game and hand we play. So, to get more out of card counting and improve our blackjack odds, we bet more when we have a positive deck and bet less when it's negative.

Successful card counting is all about understanding the method thoroughly. Aside from continuous practice we need to read more about it and see its overall workings. With enough insight into the method plus skills honing our blackjack odds would surely improve dramatically.
